Bring Your Service Desk up to Speed in the “Right Now” EconomyIntroduction: As the world moves toward a new normal rhythm of business, we find communication and collaboration transformed in the…Jan 31Jan 31
Is Artificial Intelligence, Artificial?The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous industries, from healthcare to finance. Tech startups are now…Aug 17, 2023Aug 17, 2023
Published inBootcampUX Research: Customers vs. UsersWhenever I’m confronted with “Your user research costs too much. We know our customers.” I always reply with, “Ahhh. But you don’t know…Sep 14, 2022Sep 14, 2022
UX: Personas Are Habitual LiarsWait, wait, wait… I’m not telling you to stop doing personas. I’m telling you to stop doing personas until you can do them right. Here’s…Sep 1, 2022Sep 1, 2022
Published inBootcampHow I would improve TikTokTikTok is a lot of fun, very addictive, and very broken. Here are the 3 areas TikTok is broken (in the US anyway):Dec 17, 2020Dec 17, 2020
The #1 Secret UX ToolNOTE: There’s a bit of an intro here so if you want to cut to the chase, scroll to MY SECRET TOOL, below.Jun 22, 2020Jun 22, 2020
WordPress and the Downfall of DesignPREFACE: I wrote this in a fever dream this morning. If there are typos please let me know with the Private Notes tool. Thank you.Jun 22, 20201Jun 22, 20201
Published inUX CollectiveUX candidates are asking the wrong questionsI’ve been working in design since 1995, specifically in UX since 1999. Most of my experiences have been very positive. Every place I’ve…Jun 4, 2019Jun 4, 2019
The Future of AgTech“We’ve created everything there is to create.” ~ The FoolApr 18, 2019Apr 18, 2019
Ecommerce: 1 Step to Double Your ProfitsIn this installment we’ll discuss cart abandonment VS. increased visitor traffic.Oct 17, 2017Oct 17, 2017